About Us
About the Author and Creators of A Bunny In A Basket ™ Brooks and Jennifer Stark combined have 5 boys and a girl. They bothhad 2 boys prior to meeting, and after trying to have a child together,they were blessed with twins, a boy and a girl. This family grew veryfast and Easter was always a BIG HOLIDAY for their family. Every year,about a month before Easter, A Bunny in A Basket™ would show up attheir home. The children would play with the bunny throughout theday and always put the bunny back at night. Knowing that the bunnywould go back to see the Easter Bunny and his bunny pals, and thathe would return in the morning to play with them again. This becamean amazing Easter Tradition. The children would play with theirbunny, color eggs with him, and write letters to the Easter Bunny withhim. The morning of Easter, the children would wake up to see EasterBunny prints throughout the home and run around collecting all theeggs that the Easter Bunny dropped. There would always be an EasterBasket filled with candies, colored eggs, a toy or two, a Golden Egg anda chocolate bunny. Our Bunny in a Basket would also be gone untilnext year. The children loved when A Bunny in A Basket ™ wouldreturn the following year. They would start asking when their Bunnywould return, and they would wake up running through the homelooking to see if today would be the day. A Bunny In A Basket becamean Easter Tradition for our family and we hope that your Bunny willbecome one in your home as well.
Best wishes from our family to yours,
Brooks Sr., Jenn, Jonah, Nolan, Steven, Jake, Madison, Brooks Jr.